

(1998年9月~2006年12月)Zhejiang University



半田晴久(深見東州)は、 中国国立浙江大学日本文化研究所の客員教授 として、「日本文化とその精神的背景」を専門に、能や書や日本画、俳句などの文化芸術の実演を行い、 神道、仏教、儒教の日本的つながりや日本文化への影響など、高度な学術的発表やシンポジウムなどを行いました。


 また 1999 年8月、浙江大学大学院日本文化研究所の開設十周年記念式典の一環として、半田氏の率いる能楽団による「日本宝生流能楽公演」を開催。中国で初めての本格的な能楽公演となりました(於 浙江省音楽庁)。その後、宝生流家元をまじえて、西子賓館にて中国の演劇及び日中の中世文化研究者との座談会形式のシンポジウムを行い、この研究会の中身は「人民中国」紙で詳しく紹介されました。







(1999年9月〜)Tsinghua University







(1999年11月~2004年10月)The Academy of Chinese Opera, Beijing





(1999年11月~2002年10月)University of Wolverhampton


 また、日本のビジネスカルチャーをヨーロッパに紹介する研究所を設立し、経済活動の背景と文化・芸術の特性を英語で講義し、 芸術を実際に実演して紹介する活動を行いました。講義テーマは「日英と日米との経営文化比較」。


中国国立中華女子学院 客員教授

(2000年5月~2005年4月)China Woman's College



(2001年12月〜)Nankai University




Professor Handa(Fukami)

Visiting Professor, Japanese Culture Research Center Zheijang University, China

Professor Fukami specializes in Japanese Culture and its Mental Background, however, he also avails himself for the annual performance of Noh Theatre, Calligraphy or Japanese Painting as well as other academic meetings and symposiums.

In August 1999, for the commemoration ceremony of the 10th Anniversary of the Japanese Cultural Research Centre at the Graduate School of Zheijang University, Toshu Fukami took over the whole stage cast and crew of the Hosho School of Noh to give the first formal Noh stage ever to be performedin China. A round-table symposium was held after the performance with the Master of the Hosho School of Noh and prominent researchers on the subjects of Chinese Theatre and Medieval Culture of Japan and China. The content of the symposium had been introduced in the magazine, "People's China . "

  • Noh programs performed
  • Shimai Tsurukame
  • (main character by Toshu Fukami)
  • Noh Hagoromo
  • (main character by Master of the Hosho School of Noh)
  • Kyogen Boshibari Noh Shakkyo
  • (main character by Toshu Fukami)

April 1999 held the second of the featured lecture series. The themes of Toshu Fukami s lectures were Japanese Myths and Japanese Management and The Artistic Perspective of syncretism between Shintoism and Buddhism found in the Noh stage Fuji


Distinguished Professor of History Tsinghua University, China

Professor Fukami's main lecture at Tsinghua University is Early Modern Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange, a course which traces the development of Japanese, Chinese, and Western performing arts in East Asia. The class includes demonstrations of Noh, Chinese opera, Western Opera, and ballet. At Tsinghua University, Toshu Fukami also teaches a course on Japanese and European economic development.

Toshu Fukami speaks at a memorial lecture held in May 2000 to commemorate the publication of Secrets for Running a Small Business in the Chinese Language from Tsinghua University Publishing Bureau. The lecture probed into the Reason for development of the Japanese economy in the 50 years after WW2 .


Visiting Professor The Academy of Chinese Opera, Beijing

The Academy of Chinese Opera is China's oldest and most prestigious college for the study of Peking opera. Through lectures and demonstrations comparing Noh, Peking opera, Western opera, and ballet, Professor Fukami helps his students come to a deeper understanding of their craft.

In November 1999, Toshu Fukami gives his first lecture for the University. He unfolds the commonalities found in the actor s mentality of Noh and Peking Opera as he demonstrates the two different stage performances of Noh and Peking Opera In May 2000, his second lecture focuses on the theme of How an actor could win over oneself on stage adding color to it with actual demonstrations of stage performances.


Visiting Professor of Management Wolverhampton University, United Kingdom

In recognition of his achievements not only as a practitioner of Japanese Management but also for his continuous contribution towards the School of Management of the University, Haruhisa Handa(Toshu Fukami) has been invited as Visiting Professor of Management of the University.

Toshu Fukami established the Japanese Business Cultural Research Centre at Wolverhampton University. As a Visiting Professor, he regularly lectures on various subjects including business , economics and Japanese culture. His first lecture at the University developed upon Comparative Business Culture between Japan, UK and USA.


Visiting Professor, China Woman's College, Beijng

Toshu Fukami has been invited as Visiting Professor of the University in recognition of his continued contribution towards the Academic studies of Culture, Arts and Business.